Stinson Partners has developed a mentoring program for the American Chambers of Commerce in Sweden that offers an integrated mentoring program enriched with business skills development, speaker sessions and mentoring by the executives in AmCham membership companies. Our program is a designed specifically to combine the American and Swedish business perspectives to help guide young professionals who are interested in advancing toward leadership positions. We’ll cover topics such as the “Habits of High Performers”, “Leadership” and work on our skills of networking and negotiations to name a few. The speakers and workshop leaders are prominent executives in the network, who are excited to share their wealth of experience with our young professionals.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND?· All young professionals who have between 3-10 years of experience
· Young Professionals looking for some guidance on career growth from a senior person outside of their current environment
· Young Professionals interested in networking and learning
· Executives who have at least 15 years of experience and enjoy mentoring young professionals
· Must be from an AmCham member company
This year’s program will start in September 2015, and the brochure and application are on AmCham’s website.